dr_ir_encode.h File Reference

Encoding routines. More...


typedef enum _dr_isa_mode_t dr_isa_mode_t


enum  _dr_isa_mode_t {
  DR_ISA_X86 = DR_ISA_IA32,


DR_API bool dr_set_isa_mode (void *drcontext, dr_isa_mode_t new_mode, dr_isa_mode_t *old_mode DR_PARAM_OUT)
DR_API dr_isa_mode_t dr_get_isa_mode (void *drcontext)
DR_API bool dr_set_vector_length (int vl)
DR_API int dr_get_vector_length (void)
DR_API bool instr_is_encoding_possible (instr_t *instr)
DR_API byte * instr_encode (void *drcontext, instr_t *instr, byte *pc)
DR_API byte * instr_encode_to_copy (void *drcontext, instr_t *instr, byte *copy_pc, byte *final_pc)
DR_API byte * instrlist_encode (void *drcontext, instrlist_t *ilist, byte *pc, bool has_instr_jmp_targets)
DR_API byte * instrlist_encode_to_copy (void *drcontext, instrlist_t *ilist, byte *copy_pc, byte *final_pc, byte *max_pc, bool has_instr_jmp_targets)

Detailed Description

Encoding routines.

Typedef Documentation

◆ dr_isa_mode_t

Specifies which processor mode to use when decoding or encoding.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ _dr_isa_mode_t

Specifies which processor mode to use when decoding or encoding.


IA-32 (Intel/AMD 32-bit mode).


Alias for DR_ISA_IA32.


AMD64 (Intel/AMD 64-bit mode).


ARM A32 (AArch32 ARM).


Thumb (ARM T32).


ARM A64 (AArch64).


RISC-V (RV64).


A synthetic ISA that has the purpose of preserving register dependencies and giving hints on the type of operation an instruction performs.

Being a synthetic ISA, some routines that work on instructions coming from an actual ISA (such as DR_ISA_AMD64) are not supported (e.g., decode_sizeof()).

Currently we support:

A DR_ISA_REGDEPS instr_t contains the following information:

  • categories: composed by dr_instr_category_t values, they indicate the type of operation performed (e.g., a load, a store, a floating point math operation, a branch, etc.). Note that categories are composable, hence more than one category can be set. This information can be obtained using instr_get_category().
  • arithmetic flags: we don't distinguish between different flags, we only report if at least one arithmetic flag was read (all arithmetic flags will be set to read) and/or written (all arithmetic flags will be set to written). This information can be obtained using instr_get_arith_flags().
  • number of source and destination operands: we only consider register operands. This information can be obtained using instr_num_srcs() and instr_num_dsts().
  • source operation size: is the largest source operand the instruction operates on. This information can be obtained by accessing the instr_t operation_size field.
  • list of register operand identifiers: they are contained in opnd_t lists, separated in source and destination. Note that these reg_id_t identifiers are virtual and it should not be assumed that they belong to any DR_REG_ enum value of any specific architecture. These identifiers are meant for tracking register dependencies with respect to other DR_ISA_REGDEPS instructions only. These lists can be obtained by walking the instr_t operands with instr_get_dst() and instr_get_src().
  • ISA mode: is always DR_ISA_REGDEPS. This information can be obtained using instr_get_isa_mode().
  • encoding bytes: an array of bytes containing the DR_ISA_REGDEPS instr_t encoding. Note that this information is present only for decoded instructions (i.e., instr_t generated by decode() or decode_from_copy()). This information can be obtained using instr_get_raw_bits().
  • length: the length of the encoded instruction in bytes. Note that this information is present only for decoded instructions (i.e., instr_t generated by decode() or decode_from_copy()). This information can be obtained by accessing the instr_t length field.

Note that all routines that operate on instr_t and opnd_t are also supported for DR_ISA_REGDEPS instructions. However, querying information outside of those described above (e.g., the instruction opcode with instr_get_opcode()) will return the zeroed value set by instr_create() or instr_init() when the instr_t was created (e.g., instr_get_opcode() would return OP_INVALID).

Function Documentation

◆ dr_get_isa_mode()

DR_API dr_isa_mode_t dr_get_isa_mode ( void *  drcontext)

The decode and encode routines use a per-thread persistent flag that indicates which processor mode to use. This routine returns the value of that flag.

◆ dr_get_vector_length()

DR_API int dr_get_vector_length ( void  )

Read AArch64 SVE or RISC-V Vector's vector length, in bits.

◆ dr_set_isa_mode()

DR_API bool dr_set_isa_mode ( void *  drcontext,
dr_isa_mode_t  new_mode,
dr_isa_mode_t *old_mode  DR_PARAM_OUT 

The decode and encode routines use a per-thread persistent flag that indicates which processor mode to use. This routine sets that flag to the indicated value and optionally returns the old value. Be sure to restore the old value prior to any further application execution to avoid problems in mis-interpreting application code.

◆ dr_set_vector_length()

DR_API bool dr_set_vector_length ( int  vl)
  • AArch64 Scalable Vector Extension's vector length in bits is one of: 128 256 384 512 640 768 896 1024 1152 1280 1408 1536 1664 1792 1920 2048
  • RISC-V Vector Extension's vector length in bit is from 64 to 65536 in the power of 2. Returns whether successful. TODO i#3044: This function will only allow setting vector length if not running on SVE or RVV.

◆ instr_encode()

DR_API byte* instr_encode ( void *  drcontext,
instr_t instr,
byte *  pc 

Encodes instr into the memory at pc. Uses the x86/x64 mode stored in instr, not the mode of the current thread. Returns the pc after the encoded instr, or NULL if the encoding failed. If instr is a cti with an instr_t target, the offset fields of instr and of the target must be set with the respective offsets of each instr_t! (instrlist_encode does this automatically, if the target is in the list). x86 instructions can occupy up to 17 bytes, so the caller should ensure the target location has enough room to avoid overflow.

: In Thumb mode, some instructions have different behavior depending on whether they are in an IT block. To correctly encode such instructions, they should be encoded within an instruction list with the corresponding IT instruction using instrlist_encode().

◆ instr_encode_to_copy()

DR_API byte* instr_encode_to_copy ( void *  drcontext,
instr_t instr,
byte *  copy_pc,
byte *  final_pc 

Encodes instr into the memory at copy_pc in preparation for copying to final_pc. Any pc-relative component is encoded as though the instruction were located at final_pc. This allows for direct copying of the encoded bytes to final_pc without re-relativization.

Uses the x86/x64 mode stored in instr, not the mode of the current thread. Returns the pc after the encoded instr, or NULL if the encoding failed. If instr is a cti with an instr_t target, the offset fields of instr and of the target must be set with the respective offsets of each instr_t! (instrlist_encode does this automatically, if the target is in the list). x86 instructions can occupy up to 17 bytes, so the caller should ensure the target location has enough room to avoid overflow.

: In Thumb mode, some instructions have different behavior depending on whether they are in an IT block. To correctly encode such instructions, they should be encoded within an instruction list with the corresponding IT instruction using instrlist_encode().

◆ instr_is_encoding_possible()

DR_API bool instr_is_encoding_possible ( instr_t instr)

Returns true iff instr can be encoded as

  • a valid IA-32 instruction on X86
  • a valid Armv8-a instruction on AArch64 (Note: The AArch64 encoder/decoder is not complete yet, so DynamoRIO may fail to encode some valid Armv8-a instructions)
  • a valid Armv7 instruction on ARM

◆ instrlist_encode()

DR_API byte* instrlist_encode ( void *  drcontext,
instrlist_t ilist,
byte *  pc,
bool  has_instr_jmp_targets 

Encodes each instruction in ilist in turn in contiguous memory starting at pc. Returns the pc after all of the encodings, or NULL if any one of the encodings failed. Uses the x86/x64 mode stored in each instr, not the mode of the current thread. In order for instr_t operands to be encoded properly, has_instr_jmp_targets must be true. If has_instr_jmp_targets is true, the offset field of each instr_t in ilist will be overwritten, and if any instr_t targets are not in ilist, they must have their offset fields set with their offsets relative to pc. x86 instructions can occupy up to 17 bytes each, so the caller should ensure the target location has enough room to avoid overflow.

◆ instrlist_encode_to_copy()

DR_API byte* instrlist_encode_to_copy ( void *  drcontext,
instrlist_t ilist,
byte *  copy_pc,
byte *  final_pc,
byte *  max_pc,
bool  has_instr_jmp_targets 

Encodes each instruction in ilist in turn in contiguous memory starting copy_pc in preparation for copying to final_pc. Any pc-relative instruction is encoded as though the instruction list were located at final_pc. This allows for direct copying of the encoded bytes to final_pc without re-relativization.

Returns the pc after all of the encodings, or NULL if any one of the encodings failed.

Uses the x86/x64 mode stored in each instr, not the mode of the current thread.

In order for instr_t operands to be encoded properly, has_instr_jmp_targets must be true. If has_instr_jmp_targets is true, the offset field of each instr_t in ilist will be overwritten, and if any instr_t targets are not in ilist, they must have their offset fields set with their offsets relative to pc.

If max_pc is non-NULL, computes the total size required to encode the instruction list before performing any encoding. If the whole list will not fit starting at copy_pc without exceeding max_pc, returns NULL without encoding anything. Otherwise encodes as normal. Note that x86 instructions can occupy up to 17 bytes each, so if max_pc is NULL, the caller should ensure the target location has enough room to avoid overflow.